Summer School 2018: contributed talks
Name | Institution | Title |
Benjamin Anwasia | University of Minho, Braga | Diffusion in Multispecies Gas Mixtures |
Daniel Figueiredo | CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro | Reactive transition models to biological systems |
Helena Gomes | CIDMA, School of Education of Viseu, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu | Randić index and Randić matrix: properties and some applications |
Herman Goulet-Ouellet | Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada | Indecomposable representations of left regular bands |
Rita Guerra | CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro | On Wiener’s Tauberian theorems and convolution for oscillatory integral operators |
Daniela Jordão | CMUC, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra | Supercloseness-Supraconvergence in Schemes for Drug Delivery Enchanced by Ultrasound |
Olena Kostylenko | CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro | Epidemiological modelling and optimal control of a financial-virus spreading |
Ana P. Lemos-Paião | CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro | An epidemic model with vaccination for the worst cholera outbreak in the history |
Peter Lombaers | Department of Mathematics, University of Porto | Singular Integers in Cyclotomic Fields |
Pedro Miguel Silva | Departament of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico | Complex Hamiltonian dynamics and geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics |
Farrokh Razavinia | Universidade do Porto | Generalized Heisenberg Algebras and their Poisson semiclassical limit |
Filipe Rodrigues | CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro | Dealing with urcertainty in the Maritime Inventory Routing Problem |
Weronika Wojtak | Algoritmi Center and Center of Mathematics, University of Minho | Numerical continuation of solutions of neural field equations with oscillatory coupling functions |